Living With Diabetes

News you can use about diabetes

Living with diabetes is about so much more than well, diabetes. It's about the ups, like small daily accomplishments and achieving your goals, and the downs. It can be complicated, but it may help to keep in mind that you can find inspiration, information, and motivation here. In these featured articles, you'll discover ideas to take the pressure off and help you deal with everything from making travel easier to making dining out more enjoyable. Since stress can really take its toll on your blood sugar, you can read how to tackle that, too. Feel free to share any of these with your family and friends, the more they know the more you can support each other.

More articles are added each month. So browse them all, get inspired, and check back in with us often. If you'd like, you can sign up for more TeamingUp to get regular updates.

    Think Positive, It Helps
    Create a new mindset for living with diabetes.

    The Lowdown On Low Energy
    Learn about some of the main reasons you might have low energy.

    Why Blood Sugar Goes Up And Down
    Making sense of blood sugar highs and lows.

    10 Good Reasons To See A Diabetes Educator
    Get expert help for managing diabetes.

    Green Goes With Everything
    Ways to enjoy fresh, flavorful leafy greens.

    Skill Drill: Develop A Knack For Snacking
    Ideas for making low-calorie, diabetes-friendly snacks.

    Success By The Numbers: Carb Counting
    Make guesstimates a thing of the past.

    Fresh And Easy Summer Lunches
    Make-ahead lunches bursting with flavor and nutrition.

    Keep It Fresh!
    Learn what to keep in (or out) of the freezer and refrigerator!

    Let's Have A Cookout!
    Delicious and healthy options that everyone can enjoy.

    Fabulous Fall Fruit
    Add the flavors of fall to your plate.

    Cleared For Takeoff: Flying With Diabetes
    Tips for traveling when you have diabetes.

    Work It Out: Eating Better At Work
    Tips for a diabetes-friendly workspace.

    Mind Over Matter: Eating Mindfully On Vacation
    Learn how to have fun on vacation while still staying on track.

    Sleep On It: Tips For Better Slumber
    When counting sheep just isn't what you need.

    Tips For Keeping To A Routine During The Busy Summer Months
    Here are some ideas to help you stay on track during summer.

    Healthy Habits On The Go
    Keeping healthy habits while on vacation.

    Harnessing The Power Of Routine
    Fall is back! And so are your routines.

    Easy Ways To Spend Weekends In The Outdoors
    Catherine Price shares some smart and fun ideas for staying on track.

    Feel Like You're In A Rut? Get Out Of It
    A diabetes educator's tips for getting unstuck.

    Feel The Love. How Loved Ones Can Help
    5 "Do's" and 5 "Don'ts" for your loved ones.

    We Can't Stress It Enough, Stress Is A Factor
    TeamingUp has great ideas for dealing with anxiety.

    Helping Patients And Herself
    Learn how Lakshmi, a TeamingUp Champion, helped herself and her patients.

    Where There's A Will, There's A Way
    How to stay strong and build up your willpower.

Diabetes Changes Over Time

Where you stand today can determine what you do tomorrow.